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I have chosen Vincent Lingiari as my notable, and there are plenty of reasons why he has changed the world positively. I will be going over the many great things he has done, such as: he was the first ever First Nation Australian to get their land back from the Australian government. Or how he organized the wave hill walk off. He has spread awareness across the country and is an inspiration to many people. After reading this I hope you will agree with me that Vincent Lingiari is courageous and Intelligent and will be a great choice for my notable. 

 First and foremost, Vincent Lingiari has done so many courageous things in his life. For starters, after so many years of horrible treatment such as unfair wages, the stolen generation, massacres and killing and other abuses. The Gurindji Workers had had enough, and Lingiari organized a strike for the workers at Wave Hill. Even though they were the most skilled workers on the station their only payment was rations, tobacco and old clothes rather than money. The strikers went on a thirty kilometre walk to Wattie Creek and they stayed in protest for nine years!  During this time Vincent went around Australia influencing politicians to give first nation Australians fair rights and their land. In 1975 they won. Everyone in Austria watched as the prime minister then (Gough Whitlem) picked up some dirt and poured it into Lingiari's hand to symbolize the Australian government giving First Nations Australians their land back. This was the first time land was given back to the First Nation people ever in Australia!  

Additionally, Lingiari is an inspiration to many people. First nation Australians then were unfairly treated and discriminated against (they still are sometimes). When people heard of Vincent Lingiari, they found his courage to stand up for what is right amazing. This also spread awareness of how horribly the First Nation Australians people were being treated, which caused a chain reaction for more rights and equality for First Nation Australians. Most people of Australia wanted to do something about this, which was vital for our future. 

Lastly, Lingiari’s fight for rights made him a hero to everyone. He has made a vital impact for our generation, as he has made our society a lot more equal. Although he was protesting around the same time as Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King, he did not get nearly as much recognition as them. If I do him as my notable, then more people will find out about the amazing things he did, and they might maybe do some further research. This will also spread awareness of him, and the horrors of how his people were treated, as most adults when they grew up were not informed of how everyone treated the First Nations Australian. 

In conclusion, he has spread awareness for the rights of first nation Austrians, he is many people's hero and inspiration, and he has made many great achievements in his life. He was a brave, determined and heroic man who is a great choice for my notable. You will not regret giving me the opportunity to do Vincent Lingiari as my notable. 

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