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The it was early in the morning. Everyone was asleep, except for the first nation workers, they had been up for hours anxious, excited and scared. It was almost time for the plan to commence. Their hearts were beating faster than a cheetah. The daily cry of the hen woke up the others. This was the start of the revolution. The workers got up and started walking. Walking straight forward not stopping. The white workers and landowners cried out, but the indigenous workers did not stop. This was the start of the wave hill walk off led by Vincent Lingiari. He was the first ingenious Australian to get their land back from the Australian Government and he helped the ingenious community by upping pay rise, more equality and lots of other things. He was one of the first indigenous people to stand up and tell the Australian how the first nation Australian tell the Government how they were being treated was wrong. Vincent Lingiari is a brave inspirational man and without him the ingenious community would be miles behind from where it is now.  


Lingiari was born in the northern territory on the 13th of June 1908. He grew up on Wave Hill Cattle station and he never had any form of schooling. Lingiari was always a worker; he was even head stockman when he was older. But he and all the other Fist nation workers were sick of being treated like they were inferior to the white workers. So, on 23 of August 1966 with their families the Gurindji left on a strike (led by Lingiari).in this strike they visited Sydney and Melbourne to gain support and to spread the story around. After nine long years of going around Australian in 16th of August 1975 the Australian Prime Minister then (Gough Whitlam), handed Vincent Lingiari soil from their land. This symbolizes the government giving their land back. I have learnt all of this through searching through many websites. As Vincent Lingiari is not all the known it was harder to find research on him than if I had done someone like Martin Luther King jr. I have enjoyed researching my notable as I find him remarkably interesting, and I am always learning more when I look at new sources. I have enjoyed the research process and am excited for my next project so I can research more thoroughly after what I have learned this time.  


My notable has many notable achievements but the most notable of them all would have to be being the first, first nation Australian to receive their land back from the Australian Government. He was brave enough when the first nation's people were treated too horribly to stand and say what the Government was doing was wrong. He also helped the first nation community get equal pay, general rights, and land rights. Lingiari was influenced to start the strike by Daniel, Robert Tudawali, and frank hardy. They were both members of the Aboriginal council for land rights. Lingiari had many hardships in his time. He was treated horribly for the color of his skin; he was not taken seriously for a long time. This meant he had to work twice as hard, which ended up paying off. Now he has art competitions named after him, songs named after him and much more dedicated to his legacy.  


There are many reasons why Vincent Lingiari is notable. He did not start the strike to become famous or to get recognition. He did it because he knew how they were the right full owners of the land. He has helped the Ingenious community in Australia by starting a chain rection of first notions people getting their land back. Lingiari has also spread awareness of the harsh conditions for indigenous people and how poorly they were being treated. I think Vincent Lingiari has had a bit of luck in life but more predominantly hard work. His luck was the news of the strike being spread around so they could pay attention which helped to the outcome of getting their land back. But most was hard work. He worked had on the farm. He worked hard to get recognition, he worked hard for most things in life. Things like land rights and equal pay did not just come to him, he had to work hard for them 


He has made many contributions to humanity (but mainly the indigenous community of Australia). he has started a chain reaction of land being given back to the first nations people. He assisted the raise of indigenous pay rise and influenced equality for first nation peoples. He is a role model to many and has inspired more change around Australia. Lingiari was showed that what the government was doing was wrong and needed to change. He was one of the first Indigenous Australians to defy the government which was inspiring and changed the way the community though of the first nation people's rights. He has made many contributu9ins to humanity and his legacy lives up to this day. 

My notable connects to me by having perseverance. He had to work extremely hard and so long to get his rightful land back. Some ways he connects to me are like how I think I have persevered in things such as math's this year. I started off the year barley knowing my timetables and now they are good. Or my musical instrument. When I first started playing trumpet it sounded horrible, everything was off pitch and tone etc., now after a few years of playing it sounds better than ever! Vincent Lingiari has inspired me in many ways. He makes me want to work hard and not give up. He makes me feel like if I do the work now it will pay off later. He makes me want to be brave and stand up for what is right. He makes me want to have self-confidence and believe in myself more. Over he is a tremendous man and has motivated me very much. 

In conclusion, Lingiari a remarkable man. He has helped boost the rights for the ingenuous community and raise their pay. He has many contributions for the Australian community. He has changed the whole of Australia perspective on indigenous rights and equality and if he didn’t exist the rights for first nation peoples would be miles behind. His Legacy lives on till this day with his own song art awards and documentaries. He was the start of the change of the indigenous community and started the chain reaction of first nation land being given back. In conclusion Vincent Lingiari is a notable, inspirational and courage's man.

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